3 Document Control

Version history





19 December 2014

Submitted for review version


27 February 2015

SFA version


6 August 2015

APP version and CR4785, CR5196 and CR5270


5 November 2015

External delivery: CR8016 and some minor issues


18 December 2015

External delivery


5 February 2016

External delivery


24 March 2016

External delivery


File Reference: ODF/INT165- R-SOG-2016-v1.6 APP (HB)

Change Log



 Changes on version



First version



* List of participants by discipline:

  - Participant /Discipline /RegisteredEvent @Bib has been updated as value could be A..E for Team official.


* Event Unit Start List and Results

  - Trigger INTERMEDIATE has been updated to "After each period (if it is not the last period)".

  - SHOT code has been moved in the table Competition /Result /Competitor /Stats /Stat (cosmetic issue).

  - ST /*_COACH @Pos has been removed in Competition /Result /Competitor /Stats /Stat element.

   -ExtendedStat codes MISS, POST and BLC have been added to SHOT code in Competition /Result /Competitor /Composition /Athlete /EventUnitEntry element.

  - TOT code and MISS, POST and BLC ExtendedStat codes have been removed from Competition /Result /Competitor /Composition /Athlete /EventUnitEntry element.

  - EUE /TFT code has been removed from Competition /Result /Competitor /Composition /Athlete /EventUnitEntry element.


* Play by Play

  - Trigger INTERMEDIATE has been updated to "After each period (if it is not the last period)"

  - DESC code has been renamed SHOT_POS in Competition /UnitActions /UnitAction /ExtendedAction element.


* Pool Standings

  - The list of DocumentSubtype attributes has been removed as it is defined in the Common Codes.


* Statistics

  - All RANK and ERANK codes have been removed and replaced with Rank, RankEqual and SortOrder attributes.

  - SHOT code has been moved in the table Competition /Stats /Competitor /StatsItems /StatsItem (cosmetic issue).

  - "_GRA" has been added to the codes used for graphics in Competition /Stats /Competitor /StatsItems /StatsItem element. For these codes, @Pos has been removed and MADE ExtendedStat code has been added for Goals /saves.

  - ExtendedStat codes MISS, POST and BLC have been added to SHOT code in Competition /Stats /Competitor /Composition /Athlete /StatsItems /StatsItem element.

  - TOT code has been removed from Competition /Stats /Competitor /Composition /Athlete /StatsItems /StatsItem element.

  - ST /GOAL_AS code has been renamed GOAL_ASSIST in Competition /Stats /Competitor /Composition /Athlete /StatsItems /StatsItem element.




* Competition Schedule:

  - Unit_No has been updated to UnitNum. EstimatedStart/End have been updated to HideStart/End. EstimatedStartText has been updated to StartText (CR4785).


* List of teams:

  - Added Order attribute to TeamOfficials/Official element (CR5196).


* Event Unit Start List and Results:

  - Added ST /TO_TEAM code to Competition /Result /Competitor /Stats /Stat element.


* Play by Play:

  - Added element UnitActions /UnitAction /Competitor /Coaches /Coach (CR5270).



* Competition Schedule

  - Clarification for the DateTime attribute in case of HideStartDate="Y" removed as it does not apply for team sports.

  - Composition element has been removed from Competition /Unit /StartList /Start /Competitor element. It doesn't apply for team sports (Defect #120420).


* List of participants by discipline:

  - ENTRY /SHIRT_NAME code has been added to Participant /Discipline /RegisteredEvent /EventEntry element (CR8016).


* Event Unit Start List and Results:

  - Home and Away attributes have been added to Periods element (Defect #121090).

  - Organisation attribute has been added to Result /Competitor element (Defect #121091).

  - Bib attribute has been updated to Optional in Result /Competitor /Coaches /Coach element.


* Play by Play:

  - LeadA attribute has been added to UnitActions /UnitAction element. Sample has been updated accordingly (Defect #120888).

  - Order attribute has been added to UnitActions /UnitAction /Competitor and to UnitActions /UnitAction /Competitor /Composition /Athlete element (Defect #120880).



* Competition schedule:

  - SessionCode attribute has been removed from Competition /Unit (Defect #121852).

  - StartOrder attribute has been added to Competition /Unit /StartList /Start (Defect #121852).


* Event Unit Start List and Results:

  - ResultType attribute has been updated to optional in Result element (Defect #120995).


* Pool Standings:

  - Location and LocationName attributes have been removed from ExtendedInfos /VenueDescription element.



* Event Unit Start List and Results:

  - Some codes have been added to the list in DISPLAY code (SD_GK, W_GK, LD_GK, PTY_GK, FB_GK and BT_GK) in ExtendedInfos /ExtendedInfo element (Defect #126648).


* Play by Play:

  - UnitActions /UnitAction @ScoreA and @ScoreH descriptions have been updated (CR9125).

  - ExtendedAction PSO_A and PSO_H have been added to UnitActions /UnitAction element (CR9125).


* Pool Standings:

  - Triggers have been updated, removing the last sentence "though unofficial may be used in some sports" (Defect #123804).

  - Result /Competitor /Composition and Result /Competitor /Opponent /Composition elements have been removed (Defect #126935).


* Brackets:

  - Result attribute has been updated as it may include an IRM in Bracket /BracketItems

/BracketItem element (CR9085).



* Event Unit Start List and Results:

  - ResultType attribute has been added, it had been removed by mistake (Defect #120995).

  - Order attribute has been updated to "Before the game starts it is the same as StartSortOrder, after the game starts then sort by Uniform number." in Result /Competitor /Composition /Athlete element (Defect #129897).


* Statistics:

  - TOTAL code has been added to Stats /Competitor /StatsItems /StatsItem element (Defect #127063).

  - The comment "DocumentSubtype= IND_RANKING" has been added to some stats (Defect #126996).